
Bible & Theology

Discover the benefits of a Bible & Theology degree from bte365官网地址 and what it takes to graduate.


$275 per credit hour


Accredited by HLC & ABHE


Can be done entirely online


Classes can transfer

Bible & Theology


Associates of Arts (AA) – 2 year degree
Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree
Master of Arts (MA) – 2 year graduate degree

  • Campus degree
  • Online degree

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Why choose Bible & Theology at bte365官网地址?

Start your college career off with a solid foundation of Bible and theology courses designed to push your and help you on your journey.

Graduates went off to be a

  • Bible teacher
  • missionary
  • PhD student
  • MDiv student
  • pastoral counselor

AA Bible & Theology

Associates of Arts (AA) – 2 year degree

  • Campus degree
  • Online degree

Why choose Bible & Theology at bte365官网地址?

The AA degree in Bible & Theology is designed for students who desire a sound biblical foundation upon which to build their life.

It is ideal for the student who is not sure what God wishes for their life or for the student who is planning to transfer to another college to pursue studies in an area that we do not offer.

AA Requirements

Standard Completion Time

2 years

Minimum Program Credits

60 credits

Sample Classes

  • Doctrine of Holiness
  • OT / NT Literature
  • Life of Christ
  • Wisdom Literature
  • Pentateuch

BA Biblical & Theological Studies

Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree

  • Campus degree
  • Online degree

Why choose Bible & Theology at bte365官网地址?

The BA degree in Biblical & Theological Studies teaches leadership skills in essential ministry functions such as personal evangelism, the conduct of discipleship groups, and teaching biblical doctrine.

These students will have a strong grasp of the essential doctrines of classical Christian theology, as well as our unique Wesleyan emphases and contributions to its enrichment and development.

BA Requirements

Standard Completion Time

4 years

Minimum Program Credits

120 credits

Sample Classes

  • Doctrine of Holiness
  • OT / NT Literature
  • Life of Christ
  • Wisdom Literature
  • Pentateuch
  • Systematic Theology
  • Holiness: Critical Issues
  • Religions of America
  • Senior Worldview Seminar

MA Theology

Master of Arts (MA) – 2 year graduate degree

  • Online degree

Why choose Theology at bte365官网地址?

The MA in Biblical Studies is designed for those with Bible college degrees who want to pursue further biblical studies in preparation for a teaching ministry either at the high school, Bible institute, local church institute (overseas) or college level.

If you plan to teach at a college level, this degree will provide a solid, transferable platform to an MDiv or PhD program.

For pastors who desire a biblically stronger and theologically more mature ministry, this degree provides advanced exegetical skills and deeper theological understanding which will enable you to equip your laity for more effective service in the church and in the world. Read more about this degree.

MA Requirements

Standard Completion Time

2 years

Minimum Program Credits

36 credits

  • Core: 30
  • Electives: 6

Sample Classes

  • New Testament Theology
  • Old Testament Introduction
  • Old Testament Theology
  • Biblical Hermeneutics
  • Biblical Theology of Holiness
  • History of American Methodism
  • Advanced Systematic Theology
  • Greek Exegesis: Romans


We are accredited by both the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). See why having both matters.
